What Are Ways I Can Conserve Energy?

March 20, 2021

In the desert weather in Las Vegas, summers can get hot. You will inevitably consume more energy to keep your home comfortable in extreme weather. However, there are simple and practical ways you can reduce the electrical consumption of your house. 1. Turn Off Unnecessary Appliances and Use Task Lighting If you’re using incandescent bulbs, replace them with LED or fluorescent lights. They use up only 5% of energy, and the rest is wasted as heat. Incandescent bulbs can produce a lot of heat, which increases interior temperatures and will overwork your AC system. As a

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How to Clean an Air Conditioner Filter

March 18, 2021

Your air conditioner filters do a great job of keeping dust, dirt, and other types of debris out of your home. As they filter out all these particles, your AC unit’s air filter gets clogged, affecting your cooling system’s overall performance. Other than impacting your AC’s performance, dirty air filters can cause a spike in utility bills and increased instances of respiratory infections for the members of your household. It can also result in system failures, which might lead to increased costs due to repairs. It is advisable to check your filters regularly to assess their condition

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How To Make An Old Home More Energy Efficient

February 18, 2021

Most people enjoy living in older homes since they are full of memories and charm. However, it can be very challenging to save on energy in an older house. Despite their attractive design, such properties bring in extra expenses when it comes to energy use. The good news is that there are several upgrades you can get to keep your energy bills lower in an old home. These enhancements run from quick fixes that you can do yourself to other significant projects that require professional assistance. Here are some improvements that you can consider to make your

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What Size Furnace Do I Need?

February 10, 2021

When it’s cold, or generally during winter, the first thing that a homeowner thinks of is turning on the furnace. But what happens when you turn it on and it doesn’t function? Technology has made lots of things easy, but in regards to finding the appropriate heating and cooling requirements in your home, it’s often difficult to find the right fit. As such, when you move to a new house or are looking to replace an old furnace, the most common question you’re likely to ask is, “What size furnace is right for my home?”

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Smart thermostats for heat pumps

January 22, 2021

Heating and cooling systems are becoming more efficient and convenient. You can use heat pumps for both and cooling and heating. A smart thermostat can boost your HVAC system’s operation and efficiency. Here are a few things that you ought to know about using heat pumps and thermostats. How Heat Pumps Work Unlike your furnace, heat pumps can raise temperatures by transferring heat from one part of the system to another. They extract energy by using a refrigerant to absorb heat from the outdoors and transferring it to the indoors. A compressor

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Are You Seeing Signs That You Need a New Heating System?

November 10, 2020

A home heating system could last for many years. For some homeowners, the news that a “high-mileage” heating system may last longer comes off as good news. Spending money to replace a furnace or to perform other home-related tasks isn’t something people look forward to doing. That’s not because they don’t want to make upgrades; they might just find it costly to do so. However, it’s important that you keep in mind that it may be more costly and risky not to make a home heating system upgrade. Old systems aren’t always the most reliable. Performance issues

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Can You Still Do Zoning if You Have a Smart Thermostat?

October 20, 2020

Homeowners who want to save on utility bills and improve efficiency often turn to HVAC zoning. Another HVAC efficiency system that is becoming increasingly popular is the smart thermostat. Can you combine smart thermostats with zoning to double your energy savings? The answer to this question will depend on what sort of system and thermostat you are working with. What Is Zoning? HVAC zoning or HVAC zoned systems are a common way of reducing energy usage. In the typical household, not every part of the house is being used at once. Therefore, there is no

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Best Practices to Minimize Wear and Tear on HVAC Systems

September 16, 2020

The HVAC is a substantial investment in your home that helps improve the air quality. As a homeowner, you would wish that your system works efficiently with no breakdowns over the cooling or heating seasons. However, its quality may begin to decrease as it ages. With the right preventive measures in place, you can minimize constant tear or wear, which may translate into expensive repairs. Besides, you can boost your unit’s longevity to help enjoy optimal comfort year in year out. Below is a list of some best practices to keep your system running for longer

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